Macros | The 4-1-1


In our opinion, tracking your macros is not a diet. Rather, it’s a framework that gives you the freedom to make educated choices around what it really means to fuel that beautiful body.

Here’s the 4-1-1.

What the heck are macros?

Macros stand for macronutrients. Carbohydrates, fats and protein. Everything we eat is made up of one or a combination of these nutrients. Each of these nutrients perform specific functions in the body.

Why do macros vary from person to person?

We have clients that range from brand new mamas to competitive athletes. The tasks that these bodies need to perform everyday are very different, therefore, each of these beautiful bodies need a different combination of nutrients. Macros are tailored to your specific body and its needs.

I’ve heard tracking macros is also called flex dieting. Why?

When you track macros, you are given daily goals. A carb, a fat and a protein goal. However you choose to hit that goal is entirely up to you. Nothing is off limits at The Habyt. You can eat whatever you want, as long as you’re hitting your macronutrient goals by the end of the day. You can approach this program in a variety of ways dependent on your goals.

Why are there no meal plans on this program?

We want you to eat what you love. There is nothing sustainable about eating off of an approved meals list? I’ll never get back that month back when I did a no-carb diet. RIP carbs I never ate.

We also want you to get a sense of what’s actually in your food and reading those little things we like to call nutrition labels.

What if I have no idea where to start?

We’ll be right there for you. Between your coach and The Habyt community, you’ll have all the support you need. And if by chance that's not enough, our member portal is filled with resources like sample meal days, yummy recipe ideas and macro hacks.

How does tracking macros turn into something a little more sustainable?

As your macro journey unfolds, you learn a lot about food. You also learn a lot about yourself. By the end of your program, you’ll understand what it means to feel good. You’ll also know what it takes to feel good. Through the discovery of everything from your optimal portion sizes to what snacks to pack for work, you’ll be slowly setting yourself up for a lifelong adjustment. Whether that includes tracking, loosely tracking, or not tracking at all.

If you’re still feeling a little lost.. theres no harm in booking a free intro call to see if macros are a good fit for you.


Kim and I used to be in a committed relationship. But then we broke up.


PODCAST 2 | "Eating Out"