Signs That You Need a Diet Break


Signs That You Need a Diet Break 

When it comes to a relationship, being “on a break” generally isn’t a great sign. Maybe it’s the Ross and Rachel of it all, but no one wants to be on a break. However, when it comes to your diet, a break can actually be a good thing. It may seem counterintuitive, but you often need to take a break from your diet in order to achieve success. 

Also unlike a relationship break, a diet break is usually planned. It’s typically a mapped out period of 1-2 weeks in which you increase your calorie intake aka loosen your macro restrictions. This not only shakes up a monotonous diet, but more importantly, it prevents your body from becoming unresponsive to a deficit. Yup, your body can get used to a diet. As you eat fewer calories and get leaner, your metabolism adapts (metabolic adaptation). If weight loss is your goal, you’ll often reach a stalemate where you won’t lose any more weight. A diet break essentially shakes your body awake and serves as a physiologically reminder that there’s still work to do! 

By eating more for a period of time, your metabolism will likely increase. But let’s be clear, a diet break is not an opportunity to go wild and binge out on junk food. The goal during a diet break is not to gain or lose fat. It’s a period of time where you eat at your maintenance level (learn more about maintenance here). To achieve maintenance, you’ll likely have to increase your calorie intake. 

Another thing that happens when you are a few weeks into a diet is that your energy level can drop. Despite the initial boost and eating clean, you might feel super tired and cranky. A calculated diet break can help reset your energy levels. This period of regular eating (maintenance) serves to reserve a metabolic adaptation to a caloric deficit and allow your hormones to recover to normal levels. Think of it as a relaxing vacation for your body. You’ll return to your diet mentally and physically refreshed. 

Remember, a successful diet depends on making adjustments and taking pointed breaks. The frequency and length of a diet break depends on your personal goals and is best navigated with the help of a coach. Request more info with a coach from The Habyt today!


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