The Phases of Macro Tracking 

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The Phases of Macro Tracking 

Much like the moon, macro tracking goes through phases. Over the course of your macro journey, your body’s caloric needs will wax and wane depending on what you are trying to achieve. If your aim is to build muscle or lose fat (or both), you’ve probably heard the terms bulking and cutting. “Reserve dieting” and “maintenance level” are also phrases that get thrown around in the macro world. If you’re new to macros, these terms can often be a source of confusion. Here’s a quick guide: 

Remember: Macro counting is a way of food tracking. Using this method, calories are divided between three main macronutrients: protein, carbs, and fat. Instead of tracking calories specifically, you keep track of how many grams of each macronutrient you consume. A caloric increase or decrease will be reflected in the macro numbers you are aiming to meet each week. Macros indirectly track calories but the macro method helps you better understand the nutritional value of what you are eating!

Bulking: In this phase, the basic objective is to create a caloric surplus that results in weight gain and then parlaying this weight gain into muscle. Cut to an image of a bro chugging a protein shake and talking about how much weight he can bench press. However, the process of bulking is more nuanced than this bro may make it seem. A person’s ability to build muscle is affected by factors such as genetics, gender, and age. This is where a macro coach is key to helping you figure out how to build muscle without gaining excess body fat. 

Cutting: This term is used to describe a period of fat loss. This phase involves strategically adjusting your diet to create a caloric deficit. On the surface, cutting may seem like the most basic form of dieting. However, it’s important to remember the ideal caloric deficit and rate of weight loss is specific to you

Maintenance: Once you’ve hit your body goal, you’ll likely want to maintain it. To achieve a maintenance level, you’ll want to bring your calorie intake either up or down. You’ll want to inch closer to the maintenance level opposed to making a dramatic shift in your caloric intake from one week to the next. A coach can help you adjust your daily macro intake overtime so that you can achieve a level of maintenance. 

Reverse Dieting: This is the practice of slowly increasing your calorie consumption to boost metabolism and normalize hormone levels after weight loss (Healthline). This concept can be used to help you reach the maintenance stage and/or combat the dreaded weight loss plateau.  

Shifting from one phase to another should always be a gradual process. Guidance is key to making sure you navigate these phases in a way that is both healthy and helps you reach your goals. A Habyt coach can help you determine which phase you should be in and how to achieve it. Request more info with The Habyt to learn how a coach can guide you on your macro journey!


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