How To Handle A Hunger Headache

How To Handle A Hunger Headache 

Joy. Fear. Sadness. Anger. These are common emotions that, for the most part, we understand and know how to address. Over the past few years, a new emotion has been recognized and defined. It’s a feeling most of us are deeply familiar with and requires extreme caution. The feeling is overpowering and can often result in unnecessarily snapping at people. It’s called hanger. 

Hangry, an amalgam of hungry and angry, is most often used in a joking manner. However, if you or a loved one suffers from hanger, you know it’s very, very real. Hangriness is most often associated with the dreaded hunger headache. Hunger headaches usually stem from the level of sugar (glucose) in your blood decreasing. Glucose is used by virtually every tissue in the human body and is your brain’s preferred source of energy. Your brain will start using alternative sources of energy, which can bring on a headache. Plus, your body responds to low blood sugar by releasing hormones that signal to your brain it’s time to eat. These hormones can increase your blood pressure and tighten blood vessels, which can also trigger, you guessed it, a headache. So when your glucose levels drop, it’s no wonder you might feel tired and irritable. 

Unaddressed hunger headaches can result in pain that becomes more and more severe. Low glucose levels can also cause dizziness, fatigue, shaking, and nausea. Luckily, the cure for a hunger headache is pretty easy (and kind of obvious): EAT SOMETHING! (Specifically, something nutritious.) Opt for foods that are rich in complex carbohydrates, ie. beans, whole wheat bread, quinoa, oatmeal, brown rice. Complex carbs help sustain blood sugar levels for longer periods of time. And coffee lovers, brace yourselves: Another common cause of hunger headaches is too much caffeine. Caffeine is a stimulant your body learns to rely on, which means if you skip your caffeine dose, blood vessels in your brain enlarge, increasing blood flow, and giving you a headache. 

With hunger headaches, prevention is key. Avoid skipping meals. Your body relies on food as a consistent energy source! Stay away from processed food because they contain refined sugars and additives that can mess with your blood sugar levels and cause more harm than good. Pro tip: Whole foods take longer to digest, which keeps you satisfied longer. Another easy solution is to up your protein intake, which will help you feel less hungry. If you know you’re prone to hunger headaches, please do yourself (and your friends and family) a favor by throwing a snack in your bag. Because no one likes being hangry or being around someone that’s hangry! 


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