What is IIFYM and What Does It Mean?


What is IIFYM and What Does It Mean? 

TBH, it can be a challenge to keep up all the slang shorthand swimming around on the internet these days. Sometimes, it can feel like we’re trying to decode alphabet soup. Here at The Habyt, there’s one main acronym we really care about: IIFYM. If you’re familiar with macros, chances are you’ve seen this acronym peppered across blogs and IG posts. It stands for “If It Fits Your Macros” and it’s the key to dieting without limitations. 

You are probably familiar with the term "macros,” which is short for macronutrients. The big three macronutrients are fat, carbs, and protein. Everything you consume (sans water and alcohol) is made up of a combination of these macros. Tracking your macros is a method of aiming to eat a certain amount of each macronutrient each day.  Instead of tracking calories, you keep track of how many grams of each macronutrient you consume. The exact number of grams depends on the goals you want to achieve. Your target numbers are best determined with the help of a macro coach because they can vary based on personal factors such as weight, height, gender, activity level, etc. 

Once you know your target macros, that’s when IIFYM comes into play. The concept is that you can eat anything as long as it fits within your macro numbers. Macro counting has a level of sustainability that other diets lack because it doesn’t label foods as good or bad. No food is off limits. It’s simply a matter fitting what you want to eat into your target numbers. Want to eat an Oreo? Let’s estimate that an Oreo has 4 grams of fat and 10 grams of carbs. The macros from said Oreo would then be subtracted from your overall daily macro goals. 

Of course, there is a degree of planning that goes along with IIFYM. That’s where apps like MyFitnessPal come in to play and are extremely helpful. You can input your target numbers and the app will help you deduct what you consume. If you know you’re going to want an Oreo after dinner, the best practice would be to input the Oreo earlier in the day. That way you don’t run the risk of maxing out your macros before it’s dessert time! 

TL;DR: Here are the Habyt, we’re here to spell out the process of macros, how to track them, how to hit them + how to monitor your own success. Request more info with a coach from The Habyt today!


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