MACRO MONEY DIARIES | Christina Franklin



STATUS | loosely logging to stay in check while visiting in laws. have been tracking macros on/off as needed for 5+ years

MACROS | 121P 57F 181C

OCCUPATION | Founder of the Habyt

ACTIVITY OF CHOICE | 3x weekly BBG PWR while traveling!

DIETARY | no eggs, no red meat, little to no dairy (goat/sheep milk only) loosely low fod map bc of SIBO recovery, other random intolerances like pineapple, string beans, whey protein

Wednesday, Jan 23rd


I woke up at 7:30am and did emails in bed for the last hour. After 4 days of traveling, and getting home super late last night, I am so backed up on work its a little scary. After about an hour I realize I need coffee, BAD.


Califa Farms Almond Milk Creamer

Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides

10P 1F 5C


Was deep into the pile of emails and need some brain fuel. No time to cook so I’m trying out a Trade Joe’s goat milk yogurt that I found last night. Lets hope it sits well in the belly. (I can’t do cow’s milk dairy, weird I know, but a little goat is OK usually)

Trader Joes Plain Goat Milk Yogurt



7P 5F 23C


Lost track of time- so hungry! Had a cara cara orange while I prepped lunch (citrus in florida is life.) Threw together a salad of salmon and some pre washed butter lettuce from my Jjs shopping spree late last night. Yes I stopped at the grocery store straight from the airport, you don’t want to see my hangry. The dressing was Hope Foods Thai Coconut Curry Hope Hummus mixed w rice vinegar.

Cara Cara Orange

Trader Joes ~6oz Salmon

Trader Joes butter lettuce & radicchio mix

Hope Foods Thai Coconut Curry Hummus & rice vinegar

39P 11F 27C


Feeing snacky! Microwaved some edamame w salt & lime.

Trader Joe’s organic frozen edamame

9P 4F 7C


My MIL brought a bunch of star fruit from her yard. Had to have one! When in Rome.


1P 0F 10C


Hit a BBG stronger workout (Kayla - total body fast) I love this app when I’m not at my home gym


Had a 6pm call so I quickly heated up chicken soup leftovers with chips and salsa on the side. Guessed my macros since it was takeout from last night. Its been a crazy day and I’m just happy there is food in the house!

Cuban Chicken Soup (takeout)

Mission Thin and Crispy Tortilla Chips

Trader Joes Corn and Chili Salsa

20P 8F 42C


Was so pumped about my yogurt win today (haven’t had yogurt in 4 months) that Im giving it round 2 for dessert.

Trader Joes Plain Goat Milk Yogurt



Crunchy Unsalted Organic PB

10P 14F 29C


Digestive issues like woah. Could be the dairy, could be the travel, could be that I ate every meal in a rush. Giving my belly a break for the rest of the night bc of it. Bedtime!

Ginger digestive tea

0P 0F 0C


96P 43F 143C


Thursday, Jan 24rd


Ran out of almond creamer so I opened a fresh toasted coconut almond milk that I bought upon arrival last night (thats right, I went to the grocery store as soon as I landed.) I’m not sleepy but it was so delicious, I had 2 cups


Califa farms toasted coconut almond milk

Vital proteins collagen peptides

29P 4F 1C


Hungrier than usual this am but no time to cook. Last night after dinner I prepped a bunch of food for today. I find that mulling around the kitchen after dinner, prepping for the next day actually calms me down. I pickled some red onions (its easier than you think) marinated some chicken thighs, and cut up 8 grapefruit for the week/weekend. My dinner plans are up in the air bc I’m in my in laws house, so trying to stay somewhat balanced during the day to I can manage changing plans.

Thomas’ everything bagel thins

Smoked salmon

Kite Hill Chive cream cheese spread

Pickled red onions

1 grapefruit

21P 10F 48C


Hit a workout BBG PWR (chest and tris) at noon. It was literally so hard I fell down the stairs leaving the gym. Good lord! Got home and I was starving. Cooked up the skinless chicken thighs I marinated last night and had a repeat salad from yesterday! Added in 2 tortillas bc oh lord did I need the carbs!

~5oz Skinless Chicken Thighs

Trader Joes butter lettuce & radicchio mix

Hope Foods Thai Coconut Curry Hummus & rice vinegar

2 Trader Joes Low Carb WW Tortillas

Trader Joes Corn and Chili Salsa

Pickled Red Onions

55P 20F 39C


Feeling snacky and headed into a few calls from 4:30-6. Grabbed a massive bowl of strawberries, grapefruit and papaya (I pre cut a bunch of fruit last night so AMEN - its my attempt to stay away from the chips..)

Mixed fruit

2P 0F 23C


YIKES. Finished my calls, dinner is still up in the air. Grabbed for chips. Kept it to a serving.

Trader Joes Joes Tortilla Chips

2P 3F 30C


Sushi was decided on, which is good bc i have 27P 20F 29C left for dinner. Sashimi anyone?! Went over but all and all proud I steered clear from alcohol! Guessed on my macros for dinner.


Side of sushi rice

37P 30F 41C


131P 70F 187C


Friday, Jan 25rd


Woah today started off w a bang. HELLO FRIDAY AM. Sherman (our yellow lab) got sick in the middle of the night.. we found it this am. I’m at my mother in laws house so I feel pretty bad about the mess- luckily my smarty pants dug only hit the tile. THANK YOU SHERMAN.


Califa farms toasted coconut almond milk

Vital proteins collagen peptides

10P 1F 1C


Repeat breakfast bc its fast, easy and delicious.

Thomas’ everything bagel thins

Smoked salmon

Kite Hill Chive cream cheese spread

Pickled red onions

1 grapefruit

21P 10F 48C


BBG PWR legs and abs. OUCH. When I’m on the road and eating out of normal (like chips everyday and at least 1 meal out daily) working out is a non negotiable. Even if it’s just going for a brisk walk after dinner. I gotta move or I’ll just drink and eat and completely ignore how my body is feeling until I get home.


Repeat lunch! It’s easy, and it’s in the fridge.

~5oz Skinless Chicken Thighs

Trader Joes butter lettuce & radicchio mix

Hope Foods Thai Coconut Curry Hummus & rice vinegar

2 Trader Joes Low Carb WW Tortillas

Trader Joes Corn and Chili Salsa

Pickled Red Onions

55P 20F 39C


Left the house to get some work done offsite. Had a mixed nut & goldfish cup since I had a lot of fats left for dinner. Didn’t realize until I logged macadamia nuts just how fatty they were. Whoops. Now I know.


Macadamia nuts

5P 18F 18C


Convinced my fam to stay in tonight so I could cook! Grilled some chicken jalapeño sausage, roasted some acorn squash, pan fried a bunch of veggies (kale, shrooms, onions, zucchini) pretty damn good! Hit my protein goal, but was over my fats a bit for the day so I decided to stayed within my calories by leaving my carbs lower.

Trader Joes Spicy Jalapeño sausage

Acorn Squash


30P 19F 38C


120P 66F 150C


Saturday, Jan 26th


Slept in, organized my luggage, same coffee, different day! Traveling with these collagen peptides is life. Never knowing what we’re going to eat but getting in 10g of protein before I even have to think about it. Pure gold. I wish they would sponsor me.


Califa farms toasted coconut almond milk

Vital proteins collagen peptides

10P 1F 1C


My very sweet husband decides to make us kodiak cakes. He made them with blueberries (my fav) and almond milk bc I cant do eggs or milk. DEEELISH. It was a huge family meal with bacon, sausage, pancakes, etc. Wasn’t afraid to have a big ole meal. Its Saturday, everyone is here, and I’m sure we will have a big early dinner so YOLO. Could have eaten 45 pancakes, but I had 2 with maple syrup, sausage links and grapefruit on the side.

Kodiak Cakes w/ Califa Farms Almond Milk cooked in coconut oil

Blueberries (in the pancakes)

Maple Syrup

Trader Joes Maple Chicken Breakfast Sausage Links


26P 10F 76C


My appetite is all over the place today. When I’m traveling and off my routine I get hungry at the weirdest times. Feeling hungry and wanting to hit a workout so I grabbed some TJs turkey jerky to hold me over.

Trader Joes Natural Turkey Jerky

15P 0F 8C


Ending up working for the last 2 hours (never made it out the door to workout 2 hrs ago) so grabbed a goat yogurt w berries in a cup on the way to actually workout. We decided on going to hit some tennis balls around instead of a boring active recovery workout.

Trader Joes Plain Goat Milk Yogurt



7P 5F 23C


Played outside for like 2.5 hours which was so fun. It’s winter, and we’re in Florida- YESSS. I feel like as an adult I don’t go play for the sake of playing anymore. I appreciated it, plus I got to hang out with John (the hubs.) Crushed some chips when I got home. You’ll notice a pattern here. Its so hard not to eat chips in this house bc they are out ALL DAY EVERYDAY. So I had some, kept it to a serving. All is OK. I also grabbed a leftover chicken sausage while everyone was snacking bc I knew I was low on protein. Ate a link cold, no shame.

Old Florida Tortilla Chips

Trader Joe’s Spicy Jalapeño Chicken Sausage

14P 13F 22C


My mother in law made a classic cuban dish called Picadillo for dinner. It’s like ground turkey stewed in tomatoes with onions, raisins, olives, lots of good stuff. Served w fried potatoes, rice and avocado. I went into dinner with 50P 28F 41C left. I was able to make a plate that I think got pretty close to this? Skipped the wine, WIN!

Cuban Picadillo

45P 25F 51C




Sunday, January 27th


Coffee. Coffee. Coffee and emails in bed. My favorite way to start the day. I have no idea what the day has in store but Im sure it will be lovely :) I’m on vacation with my people- how could it not be?!


Califa farms toasted coconut almond milk

Vital proteins collagen peptides

10P 1F 1C


Repeat weekend breakfast by my husband for the crew. Felt like I was catching up on protein yesterday so I had an extra sausage link today. Big ass breakfast, here for it!

Kodiak Cakes w/ Califa Farms Almond Milk cooked in coconut oil

Blueberries (in the pancakes)

Maple Syrup

Trader Joes Maple Chicken Breakfast Sausage Links


31P 12F 83C


Same snacks! I find myself grabbing for the same snacks here bc I never know what meals are gonna look like. First we thought steaks, then sushi again. So I’m just trying to keep today somewhat balanced once we decide!

Trader Joes Plain Goat Milk Yogurt



Trader Joes Natural Turkey Jerky

18P 4.5F 29C


Chips o’clock. Everyone is eating chips. Its a thing. Happy hour and chips. I realize I have 62P 40F 63C left for the day. I heat up a leftover bowl of last nights dinner (picadillo) I don’t know the exact stats but its a bowl of protein! Chips on the side. No booze. I feel damn good.

Old Florida Tortilla Chips

Leftover Picadillo

34P 20F 27C


Dinner is decided on. Sushi. I go for edamame, a big plate of mixed sashimi, bowl of sushi rice on the side, no wine. They brought us really delicious warm sesame bread out to start, I ate it and it was delicious. I know I’m a bit over my numbers but thats ok. Much better than the alternative of what I would have done had I not had a macro outline for the night! (AKA 2 big specialty rolls and a glass of wine) I have a few bites of a shared key lime pie. I’m full but I don’t feel gross. Today I ate pancakes, chips, bread, and pie and I feel effin’ great 5 days into vacation. God I love macros.


Sushi rice

Sesame bread

Key lime pie

31P 19F 49C


124P 56F 189C


Monday Jan 28th


Same Coffee, different day!


Califa farms toasted coconut almond milk

Vital proteins collagen peptides

10P 1F 1C


Quick breakfast of goat yogurt, mango (I cut up a bunch yesterday) with cinnamon and honey. Realized I was low on protein so had 3 slices of Tjs turkey bacon

Trader Joes Plain Goat Milk Yogurt



Trader Joes Peppered Uncured Turkey Bacon

22P 10F 43C


Lunch was the last of the leftover picadillo on leftover veggies (from the stuffed acorn squash the other night. It’s random, but it tastes real good.


Random ass veggies

35P 18F 31C


Mango and grapefruit. I’m kind of a carb queen.. I could eat only fruit for every meal. My midday snack just consisted of an entire HUGE mango and a massive grapefruit. When in Florida!



2.5P 1F 43C


Trader Joes Turkey Jerky munchin’ while I’m on my calls.

Trader Joes Turkey Jerky

11P 0F 6C


The hubs and I are on our own for dinner tonight! Crafted a meal to perfectly fit my macros and man does it feel satisfying. Took a rest day today bc I’m super busy w work and feeling sore.

Grilled Pork Chop

Tuscan Kale massaged w avocado

1/2 sweet potato

38P 20F 51C


119P 51F 176C


Tuesday, Jan 29th!

I swear I think macros are magic sometimes. Had a perfect day yesterday (which was a rest day btw) and I feel like a million bucks this am. I feel lean and strong and energized. One good day and I can feel it in my bones. #blessed


Califa farms toasted coconut almond milk

Vital proteins collagen peptides

10P 1F 1C


Breakfast is random but I’m working on super fun stuff for our blog today so I’m dying to get into work. The papaya and grapefruit are both ready to go so I cut up enough for the next few days and dive in. Had turkey bacon on the side for protein purposes only.



4 slices of uncured peppered Trade Joes Turkey Bacon

22.5P 6.5F 41C


Did a quick BBG workout (Kayla- total body) in the backyard with Sherman. No equipment, nothing too tough, just moved through it in about 30 minutes. Felt good! Gotta move.


Lunch is dinner from last night repeated. Loveeeee leftovers and meals that are already logged.

Grilled Pork Chop

Tuscan Kale massed w avocado

1/2 sweet potato

38P 20F 51C


Can you guess? PAPAYA AND GRAPEFRUIT. Fruit queen here.. And it’s already cut!



5P 0F 36C


An early dinner just how I like it! No obligations so we’re having a fresh take on our current leftovers. 3 tacos, 3 jalapeño sausage links with arugula, goat cheese and pickled onions. This meal too about 5 minutes (just toasted the tortillas and microwaved the sausage from when we grilled it a few nights ago)

Trader Joes Spicy Jalapeno Chicken Sausage

Trader Joes Reduced Carb WW Tortillas

Goat Cheese


Pickled Onions

50P 28F 38C


124P 57F 171C





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