The 90 day plan that changed my life | As told by a client
Habyt: Tell us a little about yourself and your background as it relates to what you’ve tried in the past for “diets”?
Victoria: I’ve tried a little bit of everything & stuck with nothing. It’s funny, I never thought of myself as a “dieter” but looking back on it, I was constantly trying something to lose weight. I’ve tried counting calories, cutting carbs, six small meals a day. I tried to be vegetarian/pescatarian for a while. I was always trying to limit myself, thinking that would be the answer. The thing I’ve learned about diets/lifestyles that promote limitations is that they aren’t sustainable and that’s why I was never able to stick with them that long.
Habyt: What lead you to book the call with Habyt?
Victoria: I was tired of feeling the way I had been for so long. I was uncomfortable in my own skin and in my clothes. I was sick of being self conscious and not looking like myself or feeling my best. I also was just physically tired - i literally had no energy most days. I had been following the Habyt for a while on Instagram and was intrigued & wanted to learn more about macros. I also had a friend (hi Coach Paige!) who was doing the program and I found myself asking her questions about it for months. It took me a while to finally schedule the call because ya know...self doubt...but I was glad I did.
Habyt: How did you feel when you booked the program?
Victoria: I was excited and a little nervous. Excited because I knew this worked for my friend and it left me feeling optimistic. I was also glad to hear that counting macros is not about cutting foods out and that nothing was “off limits” - it made me feel like this might actually be more sustainable. I was nervous because I haven’t followed through with other “programs” that I had tried before and I just honestly didn’t want to fail.
Habyt: What was the biggest hurdle for you when you first started?
Victoria: I think I was overcomplicating my meal planning at first. I’ve always had a mentality that in order to lose weight and be healthy I needed to spend a lot of time researching healthy recipes & spend my entire Sunday meal prepping. After recognizing that this was starting to get overwhelming & talking to Coach Nat about it, I started being better about building meals by their macros and keeping things simple with whole, real foods. I really enjoy cooking, so I feel like I now have a good balance between making the recipes I love and also being able to build simple, macro based meals when I have less time.
Habyt: What was the biggest learning moment(s) for you post your 90 day program?
Victoria: When I was traveling and I was still able to prioritize tracking macros and hitting my goals every day. Traveling is something I’m really passionate about and that I do often, and it’s not always easy to prioritize eating well on a trip. I was gone for a week and moving around a lot / not staying at the same hotel where I could keep groceries & cook some meals. That being said, I was able to hit my macros because I kept snacks with me, I made good choices for my meals and I didn’t limit myself either. Also I drank a TON of water. I felt good when I got back and I didn’t feel derailed or that I had to restart.
I also recently had a Holiday Party that had I had to dress up for. Last year, these were the kinds of events that I would dread having to pick out something to wear & go to. For me, these were moments where we panic last minute shop, try on a million outfits at home before in front of the mirror, and end up settling for something I didn’t feel great in but felt like it was the best option I had. This year, I had an outfit in mind, I put it on and I felt confident and didn’t think twice about it. This was a big moment for me. I still have goals that I’m working towards but this showed me that okay to still have goals and not be exactly where I want to be, but to still be proud of the progress I’ve made and celebrate it.Not exactly a “moment” but just an overall learning - I’ve learned so much - what makes me feel good, that balance and consistency are SO important, and I feel empowered by knowing how much I should be eating instead of focusing on what I shouldn’t be eating.
Habyt: Why do you feel like Habyt is a program that sets you up for a lifetime of success?
Victoria: It’s taught me how to create balance and make mindful choices in order to feel my best. It’s helped me to focus on building my day around what I can and want to eat without feeling guilty or deprived.
Habyt: What would you tell someone that’s thinking about signing up? What were you skeptical about in the beginning?
Victoria: Do it! You won’t regret it. I was unsure and had a lot of self-doubt going into it, as someone who had trouble finding results and following through with other programs in the past. I’ve found a sustainable lifestyle through the Habyt and genuinely feel capable of working towards my goals now.