Our love/hate relationship with resolutions


Let’s talk resolutions. I can see you rolling your eyes from here and usually we’d be right there with ya but hear us out! Resolutions are just goals with a fancy name. For some reason goals hold weight and resolutions don't. So what gives?

Resolutions are rarely acknowledged after Feb and more than likely, completely forgotten come June. The upswing in social media posts on this topic are abundant this time of year, but disappear as quickly as they came.

Scrolling through instagram last year, I felt the resolution bug big time. So in Jan 2018, I opened up a note on my phone, and started jotting down what was on my mind.

I decided that this year, I wasn’t going to set new year resolutions, I was going to set goals. Not “drop 5lbs by the end of January” goals, but real, habit altering goals that I truly wanted. Goals that required intention, planning, repetition and results.

Goal #1 | learn about macros

I decided I wanted a coach to jumpstart this goal. An investment into my health that I am 10 months into. As a Habyt client turned coach, this is the goal I am most proud of achieving this year! This goal snowballed into something that I couldn’t have even dreamed of the day I signed up for The Habyt.

Goal #2 | learn to use my DSLR

I didn’t work on this goal until October because goal #1 took priority.. And that’s ok! I took a photography class and fell in love with my DSLR camera all over again.

Goal #3 + #4 | be present + read more

This has been top to mind all year, and I still have a lot of area to improve. Breaking my old habits of screen time will take time, and I’m acknowledging it won’t be a quick fix.

Working on these goals throughout the entire year has been rewarding in so many ways. Setting intention for the year gave me direction. When I felt a little lost, I’d open up my notes. My goals stuck this year because of how I set them.

Plan on what you CAN do

Too many resolutions focus on what we can’t do. “I won’t eat junk food” or “I’ll stop eating sugar.” These resolutions are rooted in negativity – and our brain wants to shut it out. Instead, focus your goals on what you really crave for yourself. Focus on aspects of the healthy lifestyle you envision.


Forget about that “quick fix”

Twenty cookies in, we’re looking for a quick way to drop lbs. The truth is, our bodies aren’t designed to sustain extreme change. It’s like asking to learn French fluently in a 2 weeks. See your resolutions as you would any other goals: like your career path or in growing relationships. This takes solid commitment of practice, perseverance and time.


Explore what you really want

This is a time to really explore what you desire in your life. What incorporates well into your lifestyle? Don’t be afraid to modify your goals if something isn’t feeling aligned. If you’ve sworn to work out 7 days per week but your body is craving a rest day – take it! Keep the focus on putting yourself first.


Cheers to 2019, babe. We’re here to celebrate your wins with you one week at a time.


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