Can we get 10 more hours of daylight please?!

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Managing your time so you can manage your health

If I had a dollar for every time I heard “I don’t have time for that.” Your job, your boss, your house, your kids, your husband, your dog, your girlfriends. Everyone’s agenda seems to take priority over our own.

We get it - life is nuts and with our never ending “to-do” lists, we forget to take a minute (or ten) for ourselves.

At the Habyt, we believe that you have to feel your best to show up for both yourself AND others. Here are a few tips to jumpstart that self care train...

  1. Carve out 2 hours on the weekend to feed yourself. If you’re able to purchase and prep all or even half of your weekly meals, your weeknights can be spent out of the kitchen. Having a house full of healthy options will aid in you having more energy, more time, and better sleep. Not to mention, if your schedule starts to get a little unpredictable, you know you’ve got yourself covered in the fuel department.

  2. Pre log. Pre log. Pre log. Might seem obvious if you’re an expert macro tracker by now, but pre logging your day the night before will alleviate the “oh crap I have 65g of protein left and it’s 7pm” situations. Waking up with your plan already in place is such a good feeling!

  3. Incorporate a self care routine, daily. Maybe it’s washing your face each morning and relishing in those new serums you’ve been excited to try out. Personally, we love a 5min meditation session with Headspace and a side of coffee in the AM.

  4. Put the phone down (after you’re done reading this, of course!). You’d be amazed at how much more time you have in the morning (and night) sans phone. Pro tip: buy an old school alarm clock to make your bedroom a no phone zone.

  5. Set your alarm for 10m earlier. Scrambling to get out the door in the morning? Why start your day with anxiety and stress when just 10 more minutes can make all the difference. Move slowly and with purpose, take care of you first, so you can tackle the day with positivity and intention.

Go find your daily zen, girl. You owe it to yourself!


PODCAST 3 | "Am I making progress?!"


Kim and I used to be in a committed relationship. But then we broke up.