Meet Coach Kristen!!

Hi!!! Nice to meet you!

Hi!! I’m Kristen, a 26 year old native Houstonian, former middle school teacher, and current Corporate America girly. I am also an avid traveler! I more than likely always have a plane ticket booked or a road trip planned. Traveling is my love language. 

Growing up, I was always super active and very thin. I never really realized how much pride and confidence I put in my body until I lost it. When I went to college, I quickly gained the freshman 40. I remember coming home for Thanksgiving my freshman year, stepping on the scale and being floored at what I saw. How did I let this happen?

Over the next few years I spent my time avoiding social events, hiding behind baggy clothes, and being extremely insecure. I tried everything I could think of. I turned to social media to tell me what to do. 1200 calories? Okay. No carbs? Deal. Workout twice a day? You got it. Nothing worked. I went to the gym 6-7 days a week and while my friends were “inspired by my dedication” they had no idea it was because I hated how I looked and so desperately was trying to change it.

Fast forward to summer of 2020 when I found macros. I decided to give it a try because I honestly had nothing to lose. This is when I FINALLY started to see changes in my body. The changes were slow, but they were there and I was so so so excited. I had some good success, but the real success came in February of 2021 when I started working as a client with the Habyt. Since I started tracking macros 6 months prior, I decided to do maintenance with my coach to see what would happen. And boy oh boy did I see changes! I finally started feeling like myself. I found my confidence and personality again. I finally felt like I could breathe. 

After a couple months with the Habyt, I dove head deep into the science behind it all. I wanted to learn all that I could because I never wanted to put myself back to where I was a couple years prior. I got certified as a Nutrition Coach that December and decided I would shoot my shot by asking if the Habyt needed any more coaches. Well here I am a year and a half later, loving what I do! 

As a coach, I GET IT. I have been in your shoes. I know what it’s like to be a client and ask for help. I know the struggles. I also understand that every day looks different or that you have social plans/vacations. I understand that there is more to life than macros. But I also know how freeing it can be to put in the hard work to finally make it over to the other side and achieve your goals. I will cheer you on. I will be understanding. But I am also not going to let you make excuses over and over again. I will push you and tell you things you might not want to hear but need to hear. I am a safe space for you and what is going on in your life! If I can do it, you can do it!

Want to learn more about The Habyt? We offer a FREE discovery call where we can answer all you questions!