MACROS 101: Learning the language of macros

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Counting macros may sound like the subject of an advanced mathematics course, but tracking your macros is actually more comparable to learning a new language. 

With any new language, you can’t expect to be fluent right away. You are going to be confused and potentially get lost on the cobblestone streets for Florence (okay, maybe in this case it will be the dry goods section of Whole Foods). But like learning Italian, or any new language, there’s a learning curve in which you need to train your brain to think in language before it becomes natural. The same thing applies to the language of macros.

At its core, macro counting is about intentionally eating a certain amount of carbohydrates, fat, and protein each day. The breakdown of each nutrient in your daily food choices is not something you should already know. (So, when you’re flipping through your insta-stories and see wellness bloggers instinctively making macro-friendly meals, remind yourself that this is a skill that has likely taken them a TON of time to learn.) 

Understanding macros is a skill that needs to be built. At first, it’s going to feel forced. You’re going to need to actively try and practice in order to get to a place where you are fluent and comfortable practicing a macro-centric mindset. That being said, it is totally worth learning!

Consider apps like MyFitnessPal your personal translators. Apps like this are critical in helping you identify the protein/carb/fat content of certain foods. When learning a new language there will be going to vocabulary words you don’t know and have to look up. With macros, there will be foods (particularly ones without labels) where the macros aren’t going to register with you right away. While logging food into an app, you are familiarizing yourself with their macronutrient breakdown. And, with repetition over time, you are training your brain to register food for its nutrient value, first.

Once you determine the macro breakdown of a food, the next question is usually, what does this mean? Are these macros are good or bad? Well, that’s kind of a trick question! There’s no such thing as good or bad macros. Your body needs all 3 macronutrients. It’s really a matter of how these macros fit into your daily goals. That’s why macros are so flexible. Eat what you want, as long as you can fit those macros into your daily macro goals.

So what are these daily macro goals based off of? SO many things: height, weight, lifestyle, training, etc. A coach will look at all these factors and work with you to determine the daily macro goal that is best for you. Not one macro set fits all. And your macro goals will change as you change.

Sounds hard, we know. But, with practice over time, learning about YOUR macro preferences will become a habit that will allow you to intuitively eat what is right for you and your body. Yes, in the beginning, it tends to feel like a crash course in a new, very complicated language. Don’t get discouraged because it’s so worth it in the end! 

And if you want some help - you know where to find us.


The surprising benefits of tracking your macros


PODCAST SEASON 2 Ep 4 | "Our stories"