The surprising benefits of tracking your macros


Most people start counting their macros because they have a specific goal of shedding weight or lean muscle gains. Macro tracking is an excellent way to achieve these #goals because instead of restricting your food intake, it focuses on the quality of your food. More specifically, the method dials in on the nutritional value of food and the unique balance of macronutrients that your body needs. 

While tracking macros can help you achieve all sorts of goals, you may also notice that the long term effects go way beyond losing a few lbs. Here are a few of the unexpected perks of counting your macros: 

Increased Energy: If you are struggling to get out of bed in the morning, counting your macros is a natural way to up your energy. Diets can make you feel zapped, especially if you cut out entire food groups. Prime example: Carbs provide fuel and energy for your body, so if you cut out carbs completely, you might find yourself running on empty. Macros = eating a healthy balance of carbs, protein, and fat. With the help of a coach, you can customize your daily macros so that your body gets exactly what it needs, which can help eliminate fatigue, and regulating that circadian rhythm. 

More Zzzz: According to SleepScore, a sleep friendly-diet is rich in fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and dairy. Portion size and food quality (aka limiting processed foods) are also important factors. A macro diet can enhance the quality of your sleep because it allows you to eat a variety of foods and promotes portion control. 

Self Awareness: One big bonus to macro counting is self awareness. Ever wake up and say “why am I so tired?!” Or “Why am I so hungry today?!” When you track with the Habyt, you’ll be looking into you intake, sleep, stress, energy. You’ll be so in tune with your body, over time you’ll be able to identify + adapt to your own unique needs.

Quality Control: Counting macros is an awesome way of focusing on the content of your food. You may think you have a balanced diet, sorting foods mentally by healthy vs unhealthy, but tracking your macros will help you see the value of everything you eat. (Seriously, your mind will be blown when you start looking at donuts as carbs + fat instead of “THE ENEMY”) With practice, you’ll learn to pick nutrient dense-foods more often, and sprinkle in treats guilt free. 

Treating Yourself: The most surprising and most amazing benefit to counting your macros is that you can still enjoy a treat. Everyone has a not-so-nutritious food they love and with macro counting, no food is off limits. It’s just a matter of fitting it into your daily goals. If you focus your diet around protein, healthy fats, and tons of fruits and veggies, and then that bagel is going to fit right in too!

Want to feel all of these benefits yourself? Book a FREE CONSULT CALL to explore your program options!


PODCAST SEASON 2 Ep 5 | "Macro Cooking w/ Elizabeth De Groot @howwemacro"


MACROS 101: Learning the language of macros