How to Have a Merry & Macro Friendly Holiday

‘Tis a night in December and you’re nestled all snug in your bed, while visions of fats, proteins, and carbs dance around in your head… Does this sound like your version of Christmas? Worried about keeping track of your macros while navigating a Christmas Candyland of treats? More often than not, holiday celebrations tend to revolve around eating and drinking. But no one wants to be the person at the dessert table trying to calculate the protein, fat, and carb count of Grandma’s homemade cookies.

The Habyt is all about balance. This means indulging in your favorite holiday treat without feeling guilty. However, we understand that during the holidays, temptation is everywhere and overeating is a valid concern. Portion control is hard, especially when your mom keeps filling up your plate. Here are some helpful tips to help you stick to your macro goals and feel good about what you eat during the holidays.

  • There’s always that one aunt or uncle that makes you reach for the wine a bit more than usual, but try to pay attention to how much you're drinking. Alcohol can really throw off your macros. Keeping the drinking to a minimum can help you stick to your goals.

  • Fill up on a protein rich meal or snack before the event. Protein is always the hardest macro goal to hit. Plus, this will prevent you from overeating.

  • You can’t always whip out a food scale or measuring cups, so try the one plate rule. Fill up your plate only once and opt for lots of veggies and protein. (No, this isn’t an excuse to pile on the mashed potatoes.)

  • Plan ahead so you can eat things you love! If sweets aren’t your thing, opt for an extra spoonful of gravy as your treat. Love pie? Go easy on the potatoes so you can fit in dessert.

  • Fats and carbs are usually easy to hit, especially during the holidays, so be sure to prioritize protein when making your plate.

  • Contribute something other than food to the party! Instead of yet another plate of cookies, try bringing a fun board game. Find activities that will get everyone away from kitchen counter.

  • Consult with your coach! There are ways to compensate for special meals or parties. However, don’t try to adjust your macros on your own. Talk to your coach about your concerns and they can help you accommodate for special dates.

Remember, the holidays are about people, not food! Make loved ones the focus.

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