Adult Snack Time: Healthy Snacks & When To Have Them

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If you are one of those mythical people who can stick to 3 square meals a day, we salute you. But here at The Habyt, everyday we’re snackin’. It’s arguably the best part of the day because anything can be a snack if you believe! Sadly, this doesn’t mean that all snacks are good snacks. Those cookies in the office break room might offer some sweet relief from the long work day, but they aren’t going to help you reach your physique goals. Enter: The Healthy Snack. 

The phrase “healthy snacks” gets thrown around a lot, but what actually constitutes a healthy snack? Growing up, a healthy snack was almost always a sliced apple with peanut butter. As an adult, opting for the best healthy snack usually depends on a) your planned activities and b) the time of day. Before a workout, you’ll want to eat simple carbs because you’ll get a quick energy boost (plus, simple carbs tend to be easy on the stomach). This is why you always see people going to the gym with bananas and smoothies in their hands. Post workout, you’ll want carbs and protein (remember, protein helps restore muscle). In the morning, complex carbs and proteins (ie. oatmeal and eggs) will give you energy and keep you full until lunch rolls around. 

When the afternoon slump hits, you’ll likely need a physical and mental boost. Protein rich foods will help tide you over until dinner. Sometimes, you need to munch on something to keep yourself stimulated. Here’s where your nuts, sliced veggies, turkey roll-ups come in handy. Need one last snack before you hit the sack? First, stay away from sweets and caffeine. The good news is that some studies show that eating carbohydrates before bed can help you sleep. This would be a good time for that sliced apple with a scoop of almond butter or a few crackers with cheese. 

Just as important as what you eat for a snack is how much of it you eat. It's a hard truth, but a snack should not be the same size as a main meal. Another general rule is to avoid processed junk food snacks (chips, cookies, candy). Delicious but totally devoid of nutritional value. If your body is signalling to you to eat, know that snacks are OKAY. A good, healthy snack will help fuel your body and brain and help you achieve your goals.

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