3 Ways to Start Eating Intuitively

In the early stages of my weight loss journey, I had all my macros planned, portion sizes figured out and a solid sense of how to go about my new nutritional regimen.

I spent months learning what nutrients were in my food, and what portions I needed to eat to lose weight. The built-in system and accountability were amazing, and I started to see results.

With an entirely new mindset and knowledge around the macros in my food, I started to branch out and eat more intuitively. I found that with the macro guidelines as my structure, I had the freedom to check in with my body about what it actually wanted to eat! Nothing was off limits, as long as I stayed within my macro goals.

Intuitive eating took my relationship with food to the next level, as I learned to trust my body and truly enjoy the process of reaching a thriving state of health.

So today, I’m sharing with you 3 ways to kickstart your intuitive eating journey:

Slow Down

Make a practice of enjoying each and every bite to the fullest, savoring it as though that one bite contains the pleasure of the entire meal. Chew each bite fully before swallowing, and practice setting your fork or spoon down between bites.

Also, try not to multitask while you’re eating! Having your lunch alongside work or computer time is a fast-track to mindless (over-)eating. Enjoying your food slowly and mindfully allows your body time to signal when it’s full. Pause during your meal to check in with these full signals, and honor them when you’ve truly had enough.

Rebel Against the Food Police

The best part of a macro plan is that no food is off limits, right? Well, don’t be surprised if the “Food Police” comes around anyway. We’re so often conditioned to label foods as “good” or “bad”, which over time shuts down your ability to tune into what your body really wants and needs.
The “Police” is rooted in your deep subconscious, and may chastise you with negative comments and guilty feelings when you enjoy that delicious dessert or after-work serving of chips – even if it fits into your macro plan! Start to become aware of this voice first and foremost. And practice gently, yet firmly, saying “NO” to the voice, and following your intuition (and macro plan) instead.

Develop a Mindfulness Practice

Now, I’m not saying you have to sit like a zen monk for hours per day! But developing some sort of mindfulness practice will help you automatically tune into your body’s signals, creating a seamless connection between your mind and your intuition.

Simply commit to 5 minutes per day of sitting quietly with eyes closed, connecting with your breath. Don’t overthink it, and don’t worry about the results. Notice your breath, scan and accept your body for how its feeling in that moment. This mind-body connection will serve you massively when it comes to making food choices, and loving yourself through the process.

Curious how to implement a macro plan that allows you to ditch all of the “rules” and eat intuitively? Let’s talk!


Home vs Travel Guide PT. 2


Home vs Travel Guide PT. 1