Craving Busters

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Are you one of those people that gets hit with super specific cravings? You’ll find yourself daydreaming about an everything bagel sandwich from your favorite deli or desperately wanting the sour gummies you loved as a kid. Or are you the type of person that gets general cravings? All of a sudden you’ll have the overwhelming desire to munch on something salty or sweet and STAT. Have you ever wondered if these cravings are just all in your head? Or is your body actually screaming to you that it is in major need of something? 

Simply put, cravings are a way for your body to communicate with you. The majority of cravings are tied to emotions and desires. So yes, a craving is your body telling you that it needs something, but more often than not, it’s an emotional need. This need can be the result of a variety of social, emotional, and environmental factors

So what’s the proper way to handle a craving? First, try to identify the type of craving. Then, try to figure out how you are feeling at that particular moment. Are you stressed or anxious? Are you looking to feel comforted? If you’re craving something sweet, it can be because you are trying to soothe yourself. Are you specifically craving chocolate? This might be because chocolate contains magnesium and theobromine, two compounds that are thought to reduce levels of stress hormones and promote muscle relaxation.

Is cheese the object of your desire? There’s a reason cheese is the ultimate comfort food. Cheese contains l-tryptophan, an amino acid that boosts the production of the happy hormone, serotonin. If you don’t want to indulge in your favorite cheesy dish, opt for a relaxing workout like yoga to help clear your mind and give you that hit of serotonin. 

Want to know the easiest hack to beat cravings? Drink some freaking water. If you are craving something salty, you might just be dehydrated. Sometimes, feeling hungry is actually just an indication that you need to up your water intake. Pour yourself a big glass of water and see if that does the trick.

Sometimes, food cravings can be a result of nutrient deficiencies. You can experience cravings because your body is wanting something it lacks. If you are hungry and can’t identify what you want or why, you might need more protein. Getting enough protein has seriously some magical side effects, like making you feel full and helping you control cravings. 

Want to make sure that you are giving your body enough protein, fat, and other essential nutrients? You can learn how to properly fuel your body and keep cravings at bay with The Habyt. Book a free consult call to learn more about the program options today!


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