There is extraordinary power in visualizing success. The purpose of this exercise is to find what you really want. Once you define what success looks like for you, you can work backwards. Tackling the things that may be blocking you from achieving your purpose + paving the road to get you there.


  • find a quiet place with no interruptions

  • grab a pencil + paper (we find its best to start on paper)

  • clear your mind + allow it to be open to wander, there are no right or wrong answers here


STEP 1 | your best self day

  • pick a specific date in the future. it can be any day. maybe its a random Tuesday from now, maybe its your 30th birthday 9 months from now, maybe its your wedding day. write it down

  • describe that day in detail. what are you doing that day? where are you going? how do you feel? what are you wearing? why is it a good day? maybe you are PRing your marathon time, maybe you are feeling confident on vacation, maybe its just a really good Wednesday! really take the time to picture yourself on this day. write it down

Here is an example:

Emily Robinson

Saturday, May 25th, 2019 - Memorial Day Weekend

Its memorial day weekend! I wake up down at the beach where I rented a house with my friends. I’m sore bc I got in a super hard workout last night before I drove down for the weekend. Taking today off for some much needed R&R and I don’t feel guilty about it. I feel great today.

We go get bagels and head to the beach. I happily partake knowing that it won’t set me off track.

I wear a bikini to the beach today. I’m actually excited to wear it- I feel strong and confident. I’ve been working hard for the last few months and Im not afraid to show off what I’ve accomplished.

We have a great day at the beach, and head to a friends BBQ at night. Its a pool party and there is booze, food, snacks, all the things. I have a great time. I don’t feel guilty, I don’t feel deprived, I don’t feel out of control. Actually, I feel balanced and confident. This whole weekend is going to be a win. I’m not stressing about how I look or what I eat.

STEP 2 | your best self day v. today

  • whats different about you today vs. your best self day? physically, mentally? write it down

  • what habyts are keeping you from living your best self day day? staying up late? eating out too much, skipping workouts? write it down

 Here is an example:

whats different about you today vs. your best self day day?

-I currently feel guilty about skipping work outs

-I wake up tired and don’t feel strong

-I don’t feel confident in my clothes and definitely not in a bikini

-I easily fall off track when eating out and going to parties

what habyts are keeping you from living your best self day?

-I constantly work out with no results

-I stay up late watching TV and snacking

-I don’t eat a lot during the day but then eat a lot at night which affects my sleep

-I eat out a lot or order in, I tend to over order

-I’m either completely in control over my eating, or completely out of control

STEP 3 | your action plan

  • what do you need to work on to get to your best self day? gaining confidence, getting stronger, losing lbs, working out consistently, learning to eat out in control? write it down

  • what will you do to ensure you achieve our purpose? set a work out schedule, share your journey with a loved one? write it down

 Here is an example:

what do you need to work on to get to your best self day day?

-I will learn to enjoy working out again

-I will work on balancing my energy

-I will lose 5-8 lbs to fit back into my clothes comfortably

-I will work on eating out without feeling out of control

-I will not stress over food anymore

what will you do to ensure you achieve our purpose?

- I will set a workout goal for the week, and stick to it

-I will block out the hours of 11am-1pm every Sunday to pack and prep my meals for work so I’m bot hungry during the day

-I will set a limit of eating out 2x a week

-I will clear my pantry of the things I know I cannot control myself around at night

-I will set an alarm at 8pm every night to stop myself from mindless snacking