Our top summertime tips!


Is it just us, or does July = barbecues and bikinis? Anybody else feel like summer in general tends to be a constant back and forth between ice cream cones vs. cut-offs? Don’t worry, we’ve got you. Managing your macros and your summer social schedule isn’t as challenging as you may think. There are a few easy ways to stay on track and enjoy all that summer has to offer.

Set drinking boundaries: Major summer festivities, like the Fourth of July, are easy to plan around. Impromptu afterwork drinks on your friend’s roof, not so much. With never ending invitations, a good practice is setting weekly goals. For example, I like to set a 2 drink max for my weekly alcohol intake. Maybe I’ll spend it on the weekend, maybe on a Tuesday, but being aware of my weekly intakes prevents those drinks from adding up! Don’t be afraid to ask the bartender for a mocktail or make yourself a tequila soda lime that is extremely light on the tequila. 

A “bad” meal does not equal a bad day | First, let’s try to eliminate the phrase “bad meal” from our vocabulary. Every meal has a purpose. That being said, the bigger problem with having a meal that feels completely off track, is that it can lead to a downward spiral. You may feel guilty for “messing up” or get a case of the “effs its” and go wild all day. The key here is enjoying an ice cream cone or a pina colada, but not letting it completely derail you. One slip doesn’t mean you need for fall down the whole mountain.

Control what you can | If the sun has you being a social butterfly, do your best to manage the meals you can control. When possible, bring your own snacks (this makes all the difference when you are traveling.) Make sure the meals you eat at home are protein and veggie packed. If you find that you have a lot of dinners to attend, balance it out by making sure you bring your lunch to work during the week. It’s all about that balance. Don’t fret, just pay attention to what you can control!

Be the hostess with the mostess | Instead of meeting your friends out at the bar every time, invite them over to your place. Serve drinks and snacks that work for you! Nor cal margs and feta dip anyone?! Its thoughtful, rewarding, and you don’t have to worry about where the night may take you.

Watch your condiments | Ketchup, mayo, bbq sauce… all summer staples, all delish. But here’s the thing, these condiments can really run up your macros when you’re not paying attention. For example, 2 tablespoons of Sweet Baby Rays BBQ equal about 18g of carbs. Remember that a little goes a long way!

Eat all the summer foods | The grill isn’t just for cheeseburgers and hotdogs! You can also grill seafood and alllll those summer veggies! Take advantage of summer produce, like tomatoes, peppers, corn. And lets not forget berries and watermelon to jazz up your homemade salads. Summer boasts the most flavorful veggies and fruit!

Don’t sweat the small stuff | There should be no summertime sadness when it comes to your diet. So your day didn’t go to plan.. just make sure you enjoyed the hell out of it and move on to the next day!

Meal prep MONDAY | So you’re weekends are packed with sunshine + travel? Make Monday nights you’re not grocery shopping time! Skip the workout, and make sure your fridge is stocked with delicious and nutritious foods for the entire week!

Xx The Habyt Team


PODCAST SEASON 2 Ep1 | "Summertime: the battle of BBQs, bikinis & vacation"


The mean lean myth