How To Defeat Overeating

Have you ever taken an extra helping of dessert and suddenly felt your pants were going to burst open? Or maybe even you just completed a killer workout, and now all you want to do shove food in your mouth? Does “Once You Pop, You Can’t Stop” apply to you opening the snack pantry? Preventing yourself from overeating is arguably the hardest, yet most important, part of any diet. But how do you beat the habit of wanting to overeat? 

First, let’s break breakdown the term overeating. Technically, overeating means consuming more calories than your body uses for energy. But that’s not really a fair definition. Remember, while a caloric deficit is the basis of weight loss, it’s not always the foundation of a good diet. Your coach will help you find your magic number (in terms of macros) which will determine how much you are supposed to eat in a given day. This will vary based on your weight, height, age, physique goals, and activity level. 

The great thing about macros is that, with the help of a coach, you’ll be able to cater to exactly what your body needs. Which means you shouldn’t feel the need to overeat because your body will feel satiated. However, in the beginning, it will take some discipline in order to restructure your eating habits. Here are some good methods for keeping your snack attacks from getting out of control:

  • Measure out your portions. Read: Do not eat straight from the container. Your perception of a portion size won’t always match the label. Eating straight from the bag can lead to eating double/triple/quadruple the recommended serving. 

  • Avoid distractions while you eat. Munching on snacks mindlessly in front of the TV or computer can lead you to hazardly eating too much.

  • Know your weakness. A macro-based diet lets you indulge in your favorite treats. It’s still a smart idea to be aware of which foods you know will tempt you. Keep these around in moderation.

  • Be sure to hit that protein number. Protein helps you feel full and can reduce your desire to snack. It’s an easy way to keep your hunger under control and still stay within your macros. 

  • Stick to snacks that are rich in healthy fats. These fats will keep you feeling full. Avocados, nuts, and seeds are good picks. 

One last note: There’s an important distinction between overeating and binge eating. Overeating is consuming too much on occasion. You may feel upset with yourself, but you aren’t overcome with shame. Binge eating is consistently and compulsively eating large amounts of food and is typically associated with psychological symptoms such as depression and anxiety.  Binge Eating Disorder is a serious condition that should be addressed by a medical professional.

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