So, How Are Those New Year’s Resolutions Going?

We are two weeks into January 2020. It’s around this point that our resolutions for the new year get a little less resolute. “Dry January” becomes “just a glass of wine on Saturday nights. “Work out more” becomes “well, technically I worked out more than I did last year...” The unfortunate truth is that most resolutions are destined to fail. The excitement fades and you are slapped with the reality that you may have been too ambitious with the goals you set.

First, it’s important to remember that even if your resolution falls to the wayside, you are not a failure. Second, being “too ambitious” isn’t a bad thing. You should always hold yourself to high standards! But lofty goals with no clear game plan rarely work. Generalized resolutions can be overwhelming, so being specific will increase your likelihood of success. For example, if you want to lose weight, start by tracking your food intake for a few weeks. This insight will help you make shifts in the way you consume food. Or instead of taking something out of your diet, start by resolving to hit your protein goal each day. 

An easy guideline for goal setting is the SMART criteria. The SMART acronym stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-based. These five elements will help clarify your ideas and focus your efforts. And you know what automatically fits SMART standard? Macro-based nutrition. A macronutrient focused nutrition program will help you define fitness and weight related goals and create a plan to make sure you hit them during a certain timeframe. It doesn’t get more specific or measurable than working with a coach to breakdown your diet into fats, carbs, and proteins. 

You might crave the instant gratification of “New Year, New You”, but the unglamorous truth is that success is a slow and steady process. The Habyt can help you get specific with your body goals and help you create healthy habits. Resolutions have a higher success rate when you have outside support. A coach will help keep you accountable and work with you to create lifestyle changes that you can sustain. 

Too often, we get stuck on starting a goal during a specific time. “New You” doesn’t need to be tied to “New Year.” Who cares if it’s the middle of January?! The success of a goal or resolution does not hinge on when you start, it hinges on never quitting once you do get started.. Stop making excuses and start making a plan! After all, if you don’t quit you’ll never have to start over.

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