Meet Coach Morgan!!

Hi!! I’m Morgan!

Hi my name is Morgan Powers! I am one of the seven coaches at The Habyt and enjoy my job so much! My clients get to know me throughout their program, but I wanted to give others a little more insight into my life. 

I’m originally from a small town called Hooker, OK. Yes, you read that right. It’s in the panhandle of Oklahoma. I graduated with about 35 people. Throughout high school I played/participated in just about every sport I could! There wasn’t much else to do. I was pretty petite growing up and never really worried about my weight for the most part. Of course there were times where I wished I could change certain things, but generally speaking I could eat whatever I wanted, go to practice and feel good about myself. Thank you, sports.

That all ended after I graduated high school. I went to college at West Texas A&M University and continued the same eating habits from high school, but was no longer going to practice every morning and afternoon for multiple sports. You can guess what happened. I gained the freshman fifteen, easily. That took a toll on my self-confidence. I was constantly comparing myself to my friends and other girls I saw around campus. I tried to get back into working out and exercising because I knew that was part of living a healthy lifestyle and losing weight. However, that cliche saying “you can’t outwork a bad diet” became painfully obvious to me. So I started counting calories. That didn’t go well either. I was eating extremely low calories and wasn’t sleeping well. Yeah I lost some weight, but it was the most miserable I have ever felt. I couldn’t keep it up and it was taking a toll on my physical/mental health.

After a few years of going back and forth with restricting calories, I discovered counting macros. It seemed really difficult at first. I started off with tracking protein only for a while. I would try to hit a certain amount and after a few weeks I could already see some changes. I was pumped! Then I started to research more and continued to track macros. I lost weight and was feeling so good about myself! I joined a 4 week challenge with my cousin and we tracked macros together (both in a deficit) and that’s when I saw the most change on my body. I was at a lower weight than when I was in high school and had a better body composition. It was really exciting! When the challenge was over I didn’t want to stop. I kept going for months…That led to some binge eating tendencies and other health issues. It took a long time for me to get away from that type of restriction mindset, eating, and exercising. 

Luckily, I found my way out of that mindset. I started eating at maintenance level calories and I can say without a doubt, there’s nothing better than eating without fear and being able to sleep well. The seven years I went through to get to this place taught me so much! It’s what drives my passion to help other women who have experienced or are currently going through the same thing. 

Now I’m living my healthiest life in Edmond, OK with my husband! I have a bachelor’s degree in accounting and worked in that field for four years after college. It was not fulfilling to me. I have always felt like I’ve had a calling in the health and fitness industry. When I discovered The Habyt I immediately wanted to be a coach! I reached out to Zan after I finished up my nutrition certification to see if they were hiring and they were! That was one of the best moments I can remember! After working for The Habyt for a while I saw that my favorite bridal shop in Oklahoma was hiring for a part time consultant. I remember telling myself while I was sitting in my office at my accounting job that if they were ever hiring I would apply. So I did and I got it! It is such a fun job and compliments what I do at The Habyt as well. It’s such a perfect combination for me. I’ve never actually looked forward to work before these two jobs. I’m passionate about both and love my co-workers! 

One of the things I love most about working for The Habyt is that we have 7 coaches spread out across the country, from different backgrounds, ages, and life experiences and we are able to relate to our clients in some way or another. We have a team that is extremely passionate about helping others on their journey to a healthier lifestyle! We are your #1 fan, your cheerleader, your dose of tough love when you need it! 

As your coach, I always get to know you and learn about your life. I view my clients as my friends! I believe there needs to be a high level of trust on both sides. By making a connection on a coach/client basis, it makes the duration of the program go smoothly. That’s not to say that it’s easy for everyone, but makes the process more rewarding. When needed, I will call out excuses (in a kind way) if they’re getting to a point where they are holding you back from reaching your full potential. I want each one of my clients to reach their goals and feel good doing it! 

Want to learn more about The Habyt? We offer a FREE discovery call where we can answer all you questions!

Morgan Powers