Holiday Hacks


Does your holiday season feel like a battlefield covered in powdered sugar and booze? Just me lol?  Bake offs, cocktail parties and more dinners than I can possibly say yes to.

It took me years to figure that while I was constantly obsessing over every crumb, I was effectively killing my whole holiday. My cycle went like this.. See cookie, desperately try to avoid cookie, succeed in avoiding cookie briefly, break, eat 75 cookies (ok maybe 4, but you get the point.)

Here are some tips that help me keep a healthy balance, while focusing on what truly makes this time of year so wonderful: connection!

Make a plan – and stick to it

Creating structure around this time of year helps me keep boundaries. Give it a try! You may want to plan out lighter, protein heavy, breakfast/lunch on days where you have an event. This will create more space for enjoying food & bev at a holiday parties. Your plan might involve allowance for one delicious treat at night – don’t be afraid to enjoy holiday food.

Maintain your workouts

As my schedule fills up, I find it’s easy to let workouts slide in place of social invitations. I set a minimum for myself of how many workouts I want to hit. This keeps me feeling strong with all the extra eating out.

Plan active, people-focused activities

When making plans with friends or family, try to organize activities that don’t revolve solely around food or drink! Instead of going to yet another cocktail party or cookie-baking extravaganza, suggest a walk to see holiday lights, explore an event in the city, or even get out in nature!

Stay hydrated

Part of what makes us feel so bloated around the holidays is the overabundance of salty or carb dense foods. This causes our bodies to retain more water. Sip water or tea throughout the day to keep your body hydrated. If you drink alcohol, stick to wine or liquor without sugary mixers, and alternate drinks with soda water. *Bonus: not over-doing the booze will aid in preventing those late night cravings.

Want even more support staying on track with your fitness during the holidays? Jump on board The Habyt – we’ve got all the planning and accountability you need to finish off the year strong!


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